I have had this book in my Want to Read list on Goodreads since May, so I was eager to read it. I knew of Eric Roberts (by way of Julia Roberts, his younger sister). I had no clue his parents were at one point in his early life co-founded the Atlanta Actors and Writers…
Barnes & Noble
Give me some alone time at a bookstore, and I can easily find several books to purchase after browsing. But, add in Niko, and I have less than 60 seconds to browse as I have to chase him around the store. Yes, he likes books and I did buy him some last week at his…
GameCrafters – Mark Lieberman
I like asking questions and sharing other people’s stories here, but now it’s my time to share my story. So, what inspired me to write this one? Well, I was actually thinking of what family member provided me my passion for sports. Not playing but watching them on television. Them, referring to baseball and basketball….
Bear Bottom (FunJungle #7) – by Stuart Gibbs
On Tuesday night, I finished reading this one to my 8-year-old son, and just like the previous 6, he really enjoyed it. He pays attention to the book, and several times throughout the book, he predicted what would happen. His favorite character was Morton, a tourist and a moron; and called a touron in the…
Robert B. Parker’s Buzz Kill (Sunny Randall Book 12) – by Alison Gaylin
I have had this book in my Want To Read list on Goodreads since January of this year. I was really looking forward to this one, and when I finished it, it was MEH. Nothing excited happened to Sunny. It could just be I am so used to Spenser as a private investigator, and lots…