I have been off from work since last Thursday and don’t return to my work from home office until Monday, October 11th. Time off for me is always nice, but when it does happen, Nina puts in more work at home for her job. So, basically, it will be a lot of me and Niko….
Author: Mark
When we first purchased Minecraft for the Nintendo Switch, Niko didn’t like it as it was hard to navigate and requires lots of reading to know what things are. Well, flash forward a few months, and now, Niko is a pro at Minecraft. The things he builds are amazing and remember, he is only 5…
Precious Little Guy
It’s Friday, September 17th and I have no clue what to write about. When I asked Niko for suggestions, he told me not to write anything for the next few weeks because I am a precious little guy! I was like, that is nice, but I like writing even if it’s just a few sentences….
2:30 AM
It’s 2:30 am, what are you doing? Me, my Apple Watch is vibrating to an alarm I have set and I have to wake up from a glorious sleep full of beautiful dreams to wake up a sleeping Niko so he can do a really quick pee. One thing I make sure before this happens…
Nina’s Birthday and Labor Day
It feels like every year since Nina and I have been together, I always take her birthday (last Thursday) off which is also right around Labor Day (tomorrow). I enjoy my time off, but I don’t have the luxury to be able to do nothing and sleep all day; which would be great for me!…