Niko goes back to school and I go back to work tomorrow. Both of us are feeling much better. Niko has two more does of medication remaining. We didn’t do anything fun in the world, although I tried yesterday, and it was a huge NOPE from him. I did a quick run to Half Price…
Author: Mark
While I Have Your Attention: It’s Never Too Late for a New Beginning – by Lucille O’Neal
I got this book from Netgalley, so I can read and review it before it’s published. When I saw this book, I was immediately intrigued, as she is the mother of Shaquille O’Neal, and I wanted to know more about her life. And, what a life it was for her. Lucille and her siblings were…
Thanksgiving Break for Niko
Niko is off this week for Thanksgiving. I am off on Thursday and Friday. And, just like the past few Thanksgiving’s, Niko is sick again! I had to pick him up early from school last Wednesday, and he stayed home Thursday and Friday. On Friday, Nina took him to an urgent care clinic and the…
Stand Still – Niko Vs Dad
Every weekend, I am primed and want to explore the world. I am at home all week working. Every weekend, Niko wants to watch his iPad and play his games. He is at school all week learning. So, who wins? Well, Niko wins most of the time. Last week, though, I won as we went…
The Wild Robot – by Peter Brown
Niko’s teacher has been reading this book to the class, and last weekend, we saw the movie. This is the first time Niko has seen a movie based on a book, and he was impressed on how the movie portrayed some of the events from the book. I did tell him that books are always…