Every morning, I make Niko breakfast. On the weekends, we eat together, but during the weekdays, I am doing 65,876 things for him in the mornings, so I usually don’t eat with him. Just a few of those 65,876 things are: dad, I want Orange Juice, hot cocoa from the Keurig, greasy eggs (I will…
Author: Mark
The Dad is Sad
This is going to be a short post as last Tuesday, my Aunt Bobi passed away (my mother’s older sister) and on Wednesday, my best friend, William, passed away. My Aunt was 84 years old and she lived a wonderful life (the last few years were a struggle with Alzheimer’s). I did get the chance…
Fun and Laughing
Last Saturday and Sunday, and since it was finally cooler outside, Niko and I played soccer, splashed each other with the hose, and blew bubbles. We had a lot of fun and I enjoyed his laughs. Even though it didn’t happen, I kept waiting for Niko to fall down in the grass while he was…
Epic Dad Fail/Epic Dad Success
When Niko and I do something together I try my best to make it an “epic dad success,” but sometimes they turn into an “epic dad fail.” I will say, I have a lot more successes than failures! So, with that being said, I do want to share something that was both a success and…
Jesse Stone – THE MOVIES
My interest in the Jesse Stone books was spearheaded by James Patterson and Mike Lupica, who co-authored three books (of which I have read The House of Wolves and 12 Months to Live). Well, Mike Lupica has written some of the later Jesse Stone books, so I was intrigued and after I read the first…