For the past several weeks, Niko has been sleeping thru the night (finally and yay). That means, no more waking up 3 or 4 times a night with a screaming and hungry baby. That means, mom and dad are getting more sleep. As far as naps, Niko takes 2 naps a day for an average…
Tag: The Dad Speaks
The Walking Niko
Within the past few days, Niko has started to walk. It is really funny and fun to watch him because he isn’t yet a master (heck, I haven’t mastered it yet as I am a bit clumsy). I don’t even think he knows what is he doing, but he knows it’s something good because Nina…
The Dad Bod
So, next month, I will be turning 40 years old (or young) and in May, Niko turns 1. No, I won’t do the math for when he turns 16. You can stop with the old jokes right now. I really want to be in good physical shape so I can keep up with Niko as…
Dad and Niko Alone Again
On March 7th, I had the baby from 7:30am to 5:30pm (because Nina was in Austin training for her new job). My only concern was how much and how often do I give him a bottle? Everything else (naps and solids), I knew when and how. As for diaper changes and/or clothing changes (yes, I…
Baby Proofing
On March 5th, Niko got bailed out of baby-jail and is now free to crawl (and, hopefully walk soon) on the 1st floor of our house. Well, most of the 1st floor as the kitchen and cat area are off limit to him. I wonder who bailed him out? I am by no means handy…