I have been working from home since last April and have had to be in the office a few times since then, but only for a couple of hours in the morning. Then, I was able to finish my shift at home. Last week, that changed, as I was in the office Tuesday through Friday…
Tag: The Dad Speaks
I guess being five years old, means some things must be perfect! If not, he gets frustrated and has recently started imitating our body and facial expressions from when we get frustrated. It’s actually really funny how accurate he is, especially when he uses them. Let me quickly explain… For breakfast, Niko wants ham and…
Reflections On…Podcasts
I have been listening to podcasts for several years; mostly comedy where the host or hosts interview somebody, a few music ones, and some sport ones, during my drive to and from work. That drive time averages about 2 and a half hours each day, so I can listen to quite a few throughout the…
Happy Fathers Day
I am not going to blab on and on and on and on about today, because everyday is both Mothers and Fathers Day and children’s day! But, I am looking forward to later in the day having some Chinese food that Nina and Niko will pickup. Noodles, rice, and dumplings for me! Yummy for my…
The Dad Bod – Part 10
Hi, my name is Mark and I have been eating pasta, rice and a little bit of dairy for the past few weeks and I really need to put a stop to it now. I was doing so well before that (my stomach wasn’t hurting either during that time) and then, it all went down…