Moana doesn’t actually sing very much. Niko likes it best when Moana sings. Moana is so earnest I want to gag. He won’t let me sing along. He doesn’t like my favorite song. Perhaps he’s distressed Mama identifies more with the crab than the heroine. Every time I hear the “You’re Welcome” song I think…
A Spiritual Non Journey
THIS ISN’T AN APRIL FOOLS DAY POST. I have decided to give my brain some time off from writing; it includes this website, and enjoy a spiritual journey to nowhere. I am also planning on getting back on the healthy path; I have put on a few pounds, eaten bad, and not doing as…
Nothing – Part 2
Last Sunday, while Niko and Nina napped, I did absolutely nothing; actually, I did 15 minutes worth of work and by work, I mean publishing and promoting my most recent daddy blog, and it was wonderful and quiet. I really think I need to do that more often because it’s a lot of hard and…
Potty Training
Well, it’s been 15 days since we started potty training and Niko is doing great; pees have been very successful and only a few times has he had an accident; he gets so excited afterward that he picks up the potty to hand to us. A few days ago, he did that and the potty…
Marketing 101
MY BOOK IS ON SALE. BUY IT, READ IT, REVIEW IT, AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT. I love writing and sharing my thoughts with you and cherish what little opportunities I get to do it. One of the biggest challenges I constantly face is getting people to actually read and comment on my stories…