No No No No No No No…
You know, somedays, it feels as if these are the only words I speak all day to Niko. I hate doing it because I feel like a bad dad, but on the other hand, I am a good dad because I am protecting him from getting hurt.
Bathtub Castles
Animated Movies
I don’t know who enjoys the animated movies more; me or Niko? I find myself watching them and not watching what Niko is doing and sometimes, that can be bad because he likes to explore and is very smart and quick! But sometimes, he will sit still for a second to watch and/or dance! Sometimes,…
Front Facing Niko
Today, we turned the carseat around so it faces forward. He was right on the cusp of the height and weight for rear facing and we finally decided to switch it. We took a little drive around our neighborhood and it was nice being able to see his face and I am sure he enjoyed…