Well, we have been in our new house for a month and Niko is really enjoying everything about it. Don’t ask me how many times he goes up and down the stairs? Don’t ask me how many meals he has eaten outside; whether it be on the front porch or back porch? Don’t ask me…
Assembling Things
I am not handy by any means, but I am proud to say that I assembled bookcases, a trash composter, a play kitchen, an outdoor table, and a night table. I am a very good direction follower and enjoy the end results. Yes, it’s challenging when Niko helps because he tends to take my screwdriver…
The Unhealthy Dad
So now that my birthday and Niko’s birthday are over and we have been in our new house for a few weeks, it is time for me to start eating better. It’s not like I have been eating bad things and drinking lots of soda constantly and frequenting fast food restaurants. Just a few times,…
Unpacking With A Child
It’s hard! Mainly, because he wants to play and look at everything. And, some of the stuff is fragile! But, at the same time, he is also extremely helpful as he helps us put stuff away or carry light boxes upstairs. Plus, some of the boxes we have been unpacking are clothes and toys from…
I Am A Napkin
While I am feeding and quenching Niko after bath and before nighttime, I tell stories to him and as he was wiping his meat sauce hands on my shirt and shorts, I was inspired to tell him this particular story: I am a napkin. I wait to be used. Oh no, I see someone coming…