On days where I have work the following day, I always get my clothes out the night before and put them in the closet. So, when I get up the next morning, I don’t have to think; just put on the clothes and I am good to go. Yes, I get dressed in the closet. …
The Healthy Dad – Part 2
So, I am 11 days into my phase to lose some weight and although I don’t think I’ve lost any weight, my body feels different; thinner may be a better word. Since last Monday, I started to walk instead of reading during my breaks at work. It’s nice to get away from my desk. I…
The Healthy Dad
Hi, my name is Mark and I want to lose 20 pounds. I have been eating unhealthy for several years. I am by no means overweight, but I do enjoy food; especially pasta, rice, and bread. And, definitely anything sweet! The hardest thing for me will be eating healthier. I tend to snack a lot…
The Dad Is Tired
Ever since we started doing midnight potty training with Niko, I have been getting less sleep and sleep for me is very important. But, as I say, I do what I have to do. I would much rather have me do the midnight potty training than Nina; Nina isn’t the best sleeper in the world…
The Mom’s Birthday
Tomorrow is Nina’s birthday. So, to celebrate, I have a day off; I really like bank holidays. I was also off on Friday and my parents came over during Niko’s nap so we could have a date. The date wasn’t exciting as we went to Old Navy and Target. But, it was nice to get…