Last Tuesday, I was finally able to start my orientation at WGU and I was excited. I made myself a really comfortable spot on the sofa, had food, had water, my Acer Chromebook, and a plush laptop pillow. From where I was perched, I had a great view of lightening from a thunderstorm that eventually…
Healthy Decisions
Since I started eating better and exercising, I have also started to make healthier decisions when it comes to food. I do struggle a little bit at home, but at work, I do really well. At home, I have to eat a very small snack when I come home and I can’t eat Niko’s dinner;…
Two Day Anniversary Celebration
Last Thursday, Nina and I celebrated our 9th anniversary; ALONE WITH NO CHILD, by buying myself a belt at Marshall’s, dropping off a package for Nina at the UPS store, depositing money at our bank, and eating at Salt Grass. The icing on the cake was an impulse stop at CVS for Blue Bell Mint…
I Love My Wife
On Thursday, Nina and I will be celebrating our 9 year wedding anniversary. Yes, we are 10/10/10; it’s easy to remember! I am off that day and also on Friday. We don’t have big plans, probably just a steak lunch somewhere while Niko naps or doesn’t nap and maybe some shopping for a new belt…
The Dad Is Getting An MBA
I have been contemplating getting a higher degree for a long time and just within the past few weeks, I have decided to make it a reality. At first, it was Sports Management, then Journalism, then Accounting, and finally an MBA. So, on November 1, I will start my MBA at Western Governors University. Right…