On Friday, we had to put our 16 year old cat, Franklin, down. The previous few days, he was really lethargic and not eating and on Friday, we tried to get him to eat and drink, but he didn’t want any part of that. Nina took him to the vet and the news was bad;…
Father’s Day 2020
Father’s Day 2020 was very nice and it all started with a half day off from work on Friday for Juneteenth (that was a nice gesture from Chase bank). As soon as I was done working, Niko and I took a drive to see my parents, but first I had to get gas. I haven’t…
Halfway Done
Yesterday, I completed my 5th class at Western Governors University for my MBA. That means, I am halfway done! Five more and a capstone. My first term started last November and that was right around the time that Niko stopped taking naps. I was planning on doing schoolwork during his naps on the weekends as…
Niko Vs Alexa
Niko knows how to control Alexa; Alexa notifications, Alexa time, Alex play so and so song, and Alexa stop! So, when I play music throughout the day, Niko can stop and suggest a new made up song. I have had to unplug her in the evenings because he gets distracted by her by asking her…
Tell Me a Story, Dad
I enjoy reading books to Niko before he goes to sleep, but lately, I have been making up stories and it’s really fun and Niko really gets into it. He listens so carefully and I ask him questions like what do you think happened next? He also tells me stories, although his are much less…