On October 31, 2015, I wrote my first blog post on www.thedadspeaks.com, and today, I have reached number 500! On www.thestatmanspeaks.com, I have 441, and that one started in July of 2011. I was very active through 2017 as I stepped away from sports writing. Since then, I have only had 14 published blogs, and…
Author: Mark
NaMaWriMo 11/17/2022
I have been thinking for the past few days about downgrading my wardrobe. By that, I mean, put all of my t-shirts away and wear my Cariloha bamboo t-shirts, my Threads 4 Thought t-shirts, and my Flag and Anthem short sleeve Henley’s. I think I have about 10 all together compared to about 100 t-shirts….
NaMaWriMo 11/16/2022
This morning, and about an hour before my Niko school alarm vibrated on my wrist, Niko came into our bedroom, and told us he wasn’t feeling well, and when he told me what ached, I made the decision of no school. Yep, sick again. It’s been really hard getting him to take medication, because he…
NaMaWriMo 11/15/2022
My wife told me I need to change NaNoWriMo to NaMaWriMo. National Mark Writing Month, because I am doing my own thing and not following the official rules. Yes, there are official rules along with groups for support all over social media and the internet. I joined one on Facebook, went inside for a few…
NaNoWriMo 11/14/2022
This one is going to be another short one, as it took Niko a little longer than normal to fall asleep tonight and I was the lucky one who got to sit in his room waiting. I am tired, and I don’t know. I slept well and Niko didn’t wake up till 6:15 am. My…