This wasn’t a normal autobiography about how he grew up and got into comedy. As the title suggests, he drew portraits of fellow comedians, actors, musicians, and even Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and then proceeded to write a few pages about them and how they either mentored and influenced him or was someone that he liked….
Author: Mark
I Never Worked a Day in My Life – by Raymond Zimmerman
The place of work was called Service Merchandise, and I remember shopping at one often when I was much younger in San Antonio before the store closed. I never would’ve known about this book, but it appeared on my LinkedIn page; maybe some I follow shared, liked, or commented on a post about it. I…
Billy Martin: Baseball’s Flawed Genius – by Bill Pennington
I already knew that Bily Martin was hired and fired as the Manager of the New York Yankees several times, I knew he was an Alcoholic, and that caused him to get to in some fights at bars, and I also knew that he had a temper on the field and would have quite a…
Goodbye 2022 and Hello 2023
After 15 years of employment with the same company, I resigned in August. I was supposed to start a job as a Content Writer on that same day, but it fell through. I probably should’ve held off on resigning and used one more sick day at Chase, but I was excited and eager to start…
Cruise – Part 8 (Final Thoughts)
Overall, the cruise was very enjoyable, and it was just enough nights (5) for us. I just wish I could’ve gotten some naps in. A nap for all would’ve been very welcome, but he hasn’t napped in several years. I mean, yeah, we did all relax, but we all had our faces buried in electronics…