My answer to a lot of things in life right now are I DON’T CARE. And, just by saying it, it always make me feel better about myself. The only things I care deeply about are my family; especially my wife and son. I hate leaving them in the morning and am thrilled when I…
Author: Mark
Niko’s House
Tomorrow, our house will officially be listed for sale. We need more room; both for us, Niko, and Franklin. I am very relieved that we got it ready. It looks great and a lot better than ones we have seen both online and live. It was a lot of work and for the majority of…
The Punisher
How do you punish a 20-month old? The simple and quick 2-word answer is YOU DON’T. Basically, right now my primary job; well, besides being a dad and doing daddy things, is to make sure Niko doesn’t hurt himself. Sounds easy, but in reality, it’s hard because he is a 20-month old baby and he…
Niko’s First REAL New Years Eve
A few minutes before midnight on New Years Eve, I woke up; thanks to our neighbors who were doing fireworks. When I saw that Nina was also awake, she told me it was about 5 minutes before 2018. So, I looked at the baby camera and Niko was laying down but his eyes were open….
Happy New Year
I’m not going to highlight my highlights; whether it be in words or pictures, for 2017. Why? Because everybody else is doing that. And, I don’t want to be like everybody else. That’s what separates me from them. All I will say is that the last weekend of November till now has been busy and…