Under all circumstances, it is my job to clean the kitchen; mainly that includes putting all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, running it before I got to sleep, and emptying it the following morning. I do this so Nina doesn’t have to worry about it and can focus on other things like Niko. I…
Author: Mark
It’s A Really Good Feeling…
When you plan something a month in advance and you finish it on time. That was the case for my 2nd class in my MBA. I am proud of myself because I am motivated to be successful in my studies and have enjoyed learning new things that will help me down the road. Yes, it’s…
Social Media Deletion?
I enjoy writing and am going to keep on doing it. But, sharing photos and my writings on Facebook and Twitter isn’t doing anything for me. So, with that being said, I have stopped posting and sharing things on Facebook and Twitter. I haven’t yet gotten to the point of deletion, but I can easily…
Goodbye 2019 and Hello 2020
It was a really good year for me… I got a new job at the bank, we sold our house, we purchased a new one, I started my MBA at WGU, and we booked a real vacation for next year to celebrate a birthday and anniversary milestone. As far as my dad body image, I…
So, whomever at Apple came up with the idea of Facetime, I say thanks for this awesome technology. I have no clue why Nina and I didn’t think of using it while I am on my breaks at work, but just within the past few weeks, we have used Facetime. It’s really nice to be…