Just a really quick announcement and it doesn’t involve any human beings; if you know what I mean. I am actually rebranding my writing and photography Facebook pages to one new page at facebook.com/themarkspeaks. So, please go and like it. You will find my sports articles and photos and my daddy blogs; basically it will be my place to promote myself.
For being 17 months old; he will be 18 months on November 2nd, Niko understands a lot of what Nina and I say. And, we understand 99.9 percent of the time what we says to us. It’s really fun having a conversation with him. When we do have that .01 percent of not understanding, we simply tell him we don’t know what you want so go get what it is that you want and 90 percent of the time, it is a book! Yes, he likes books just like his momma, but his attention span is 1 page and then he gets another book.
Just within the past few weeks, we have started to spell certain words because if he hears the word OUT for example, he will run to the front door and cry, but if we spell it out as O U T, he doesn’t know what we are saying. So, my big question and I think I already know the answer is at what point will he start to understand what we are S P E L L I N G? I honestly think it will be very soon because this dude that we created is super smart.