Tomorrow, Niko starts 3rd grade. Last week, we met his teacher, and he was organizing his school supplies at his desk. He is excited to resume his schooling! He’s got lots of new clothing from Lands End, Old Navy, and Primary. He has a new lunch bag and water bottle, and his backpack from last year is ready to go as well.
Nina and I are used to the evening and morning routines for school, so that will be easy for us.
I know I have mentioned this before, but one of the cool things about the school, is Nina and I will again have a yearly pass, so we can take him directly to his classroom in the mornings and have lunch with him.
For the first few days, Nina and I will take him together in the morning, and then it will be me. For afternoon pickup, it will be Nina. She has a lot of new supplies to keep herself cool as it’s going to be super extra hot for the foreseeable future!