My co-workers went above and beyond for Nina and I as we had lunch, cake, and they even purchased gifts for the baby. It was a very fun and extremely unproductive day at work. One of them even gave us a bag of baby clothes.
So, what else is going on in The Daddy Diaries since my last post on February 3rd? Well, I have been doing a whole lot of nothing (and, that is also how I relax) and been enjoying spending time with my wife before the little creature arrives.
Nina is in Week 32. Yeah, it is almost time for us to meet the baby.
While I have been at work working and schmoozing with my sister wife’s (I work with all lady’s), Nina has been painting the upstairs (our bedroom, the baby’s bedroom, and the bathroom), doing baby shopping on the way home from doctor’s appointments, and winning E-bay auctions for more baby supplies — in addition to grocery shopping and cooking for us. I love seeing what she gets for the baby!! I am clueless on a lot of the stuff, but once Nina tells me what it is for or models it for me, I totally understand why we got it. She does so much for the family and I always tell her how amazing she is and I can’t wait to spoil her (oh, wait, I already do).
Nina and I have a list of stuff to get completed before the baby comes out and we are slowly crossing things off of it. That reminds me, I am going to stop writing and clean shower grout upstairs. Sounds fun doesn’t it? Not really, I would rather be changing a diaper.