His birthday is on Tuesday, but we celebrated on Saturday. We kept asking Niko if he wanted to have a party and invite his classmates, and he wasn’t sure on that. So, we had to think of something else to do with him.
Remember a few blogs ago, where I had to take a Friday off because Nina was sick with appendicitis? Well, later that afternoon, while Nina was being transported to a hospital, Niko and I were having a grand time as we got to see the Super Mario Bros movie along with popcorn and drinks. It was supposed to be Nina who took him, but that didn’t happen.
So, why am I bringing this up?
Well, yesterday, Nina and I took Niko to see the Super Mario Bros movie again! And, we had company as my parents joined us. Two of the amenities the movie theater has is bowling lanes and an arcade, so beforehand, Niko and I did some bowling and afterwards he rode a motorcycle on a racing game. He plays really good bowling on the Switch but has never bowled in real life, and I haven’t bowled in years! Niko actually did really well in bowling. I did have to help him the first few times, but after he was happy to do on his own. As we started the 2nd game of bowling, he was ready to be finished as he wanted the arcade, so I ended up finishing it for both of us.
Man, I do remember as a child, I had a few bowling birthday parties. The one closest to where I lived, had an arcade and a pizza place called Fargo’s Pizza. Later when I was in high school, they turned part of the parking lot into a bungee cord jumping thing and it was very popular (which I never did).
On his actual birthday, Nina will bring doughnuts to the school so his class can celebrate with him. For his cake, Nina will make a 7-layer cake for us to eat at home.