Niko has two playlists.
One of them is on his iPad and it plays every night as he sleeps. It’s mostly from Kiri Te Kanawa and a few songs that are Super Mario Bros related. I hear it clearly when I sleep as I have an audio monitor on my night table – sometimes, I have to turn his music down so it’s not blasting in my ears.
The other playlist is for driving music and has Lilly Allen, Taylor Swift, Pink, Lady Gaga, Meghan Trainor, and They Might Be Giants – just to name a few. The last song added was by Wham!
He even knows the words to most of the car playlist songs and it’s fun to watch him sing in the backseat through my rearview mirror.
Usually, I play my music when Niko and I venture out, but last weekend, Nina shared the car playlist with me. If Niko likes one of my songs, we repeat it and play it loud! Then, I have to send it to him.
I enjoy giving him some extra unnecessary information about my songs. Oh, yeah, Niko, this song is by a great singer/songwriter/dancer/guitar player/piano player by the name of (insert musician name here).
Even when he is home, he will often put his Bluetooth wireless headphones and dance around the house to his music.
Sometimes, he will be a DJ and Facetime one of the grandparents on my phone or Nina’s phone and play music from his iPad for them and ask them what they like or don’t like about it.
Hey, I am just glad he likes “rock and roll music” and not kiddie stuff!
When we are hanging out at home and playing, he asks Alexa to play either classic rock and roll which always starts with AC/DC or 90’s. Hearing the 90’s music brings back a lot of memories for Nina and I and both of us often sing along – although, Nina knows the words and I just sing lalalalalalala and make up my own words.