Whenever a baby was born at the hospital, a musical lullaby was played and after one was played early in the afternoon (Niko was born at 10:25 pm), I wanted to provide an update to the grandparents. The grandparents were chomping at the waiting room door like zombies and when they saw me, they thought Niko was born — I had to tell them not yet!!!
We really wanted to be alone (just the three of us) and the grandparents respected that. Dude, we just had a baby and were exhausted. When we did have visitors in the hospital room, they always arrived when Nina started breastfeeding; so they had to be put on hold (and sometimes, they had food for us and that would have to wait as well).
I was under the impression that the Labor/Delivery Maternity ward was locked, so we were surprised a few times when we heard a knock on the door and it wasn’t a nurse.
We did share a photo of Niko on Facebook to announce his arrival to the world, but we won’t be sharing anymore publically. Now, occasionally, Nina and I will share photos for public consumption. I have a bunch of friends on Facebook who share baby photos and we are not against it (I love seeing them), but we don’t want pictures of our baby circling around because there are a bunch of crazy people in the world. Please respect that.
Nina’s Dad flew in from Ohio (he was here for 2 weeks starting 4/30) and we gave him priority over my parents and her Mom when we were in the hospital and when we got home. He supplied us with food on several occasions and we really appreciated that (because the hospital food wasn’t good).
When he did come over to our house, we fed him. Now, although I didn’t admit it at the time, it was hard for me to cater to his needs and also take care of my family. I guess that is what being a parent is all about — juggling multiple responsibilities and not showing any effect of tiredness. Welcome to my world!!