Last Friday and since I didn’t have any school work to do (I completed my MBA on 3/1/2021), I decided to sleep with Niko. But, not just at midnight when we usually get him for a pee, but actually at 8 pm when he first goes to sleep. I needed it also! I can’t even remember the last time I went to bed really early.
I didn’t tell him until a few minutes before bedtime. At first, he said no and his explanation was he is embarrassed because I snore! Nina told him him if I do indeed snore, just wake daddy up and tell him to stop snoring. I only snore when I sleep in a certain position, so I try not to sleep that way a lot throughout the night (Nina wakes me up when I do)! But, a few minutes later, Niko changed his mind and I got to sleep with him. I even wore Nina’s eye mask because Niko has lights on that would definitely bother me. It helped me and Nina even purchased a new pair for me since I liked the darkness. And, I have never worn an eye mask before!
So, Nina and I have two alarms set for the night; one around 1:15 am and the other at 4:30 am, for a Niko bathroom pee. Nina’s been doing the first one and I do the later one. Well, on Friday night, I was going to do both since I was already in the room with him. At 1:15, my alarm went off and I gently touched Niko to tell him pee time, but no answer as he was deep in sleep. I did this a few more times and no answer. Finally, at 3:30, Niko woke up and told me he had to pee. I turned off my 4:30 alarm. We slept till 8. That was the first time he woke up once for a pee.
On Saturday, I had an alarm set for 2 for a pee and he woke up pretty quickly and was back in bed in less than 10 minutes. I didn’t get him for a 2nd pee. And, he woke up around 8.
On Sunday night, Nina took care of the Niko pee at 2 and I got to sleep through the entire night for the first time since before he was born with my new eye mask.
On Monday night, I did the pee at 2. Again, he woke up at 8, which is a little bit earlier than he has been getting up when we were getting him twice.
So far, Niko is doing awesome and having to only wake up once for all of us is very helpful because sleep is good for us! If Niko continues to do once a night without any accidents, Nina and I will keep on taking turns getting him.