One of the perks of my full-time job at Chase bank is I have 4 weeks of vacation.
When Niko was born, I took 2 weeks of vacation along with 2 weeks of paternity leave. But, it was no vacation as caring for a newborn baby requires all day and all night attention. And, for the first week, we were in the hospital.
Now, Niko is 6 months old and doesn’t require constant supervision. As I am writing this, he is sleeping in his crib and Nina is shopping online!!!
So, I am taking a week off from Chase this week!!! I am very much looking forward to taking the time off and being lazy for a few days…even with the baby and Niko. We do have things to do and those days will be busy, but otherwise, I am have nothing planned.
Hey, would you believe me if I told you that the Niko and I took nap together Saturday and Sunday!!! Well, believe it because it happened!!!
My next time off will be the first week of December.