On days where I have work the following day, I always get my clothes out the night before and put them in the closet. So, when I get up the next morning, I don’t have to think; just put on the clothes and I am good to go. Yes, I get dressed in the closet. At our old house, I had to get dressed in the downstairs half bath; the old full bathroom was directly in between our bedroom and Niko’s bedroom. Any noise I would’ve made, would’ve likely woken him up.
But, this morning, when I looked in my closet for my clothes, nothing was there. I stood naked and probably looked confused. So, I marched cautiously into a dark bedroom and opened my dresser for socks and undies. I grabbed my belt that was hanging on the dresser handle. I then marched happily back to the closet and proceeded to get dressed.
Hopefully, this won’t happen again because at 5 am or 6 am, I am not at all qualified for matching clothes. I am just glad that I went to my dresser and not Nina’s dresser this morning.