Instead of reading a book a few times last week, Niko grabbed my iPad and set the Safari browser to Hey, that’s mine! He wanted me to read them to him, and I happily obliged. I showed him how to search by keyword or dates, and he was scrolling through everything until something caught his eye. As I was reading them, he told me I am funny! My job is complete! LOL.
Last Thursday was Halloween, which is by far Niko’s favorite holiday. I mean, he gets to get dressed up and he gets candy! This year, he was Steve from Minecraft. I was dad and Nina was mom! It was nice to see our neighbors and their generosity of candy. We even put a stash of candy on our driveway and Niko made a sign. By the time we got home an hour later, all our candy was gone. But, no worries as Nina kept some out for us as Niko got some good ones for himself. One of our neighbors gave me a pack of baseball cards, and I was thankful to him, but I have no clue who anybody is! We did see one of his classmates, who was also dressed up as somebody from Minecraft.
When Niko woke up Friday morning for school, which was a pajama day, he was complaining of his ankle hurting! Nina and I put our doctor’s costume on, and didn’t see anything. So, we got him an umbrella to use as a cane and I texted his teacher to inform her. After lunch, I made the executive family decision to pick up Niko early from school, as I was concerned about his ankle as he did see the nurse earlier, and I also didn’t want him walking a lot after school. He was slow walking down the hallway, and when he got in my car, he was frustrated as he wanted to go back to school. I explained my reasoning, but his complaints lasted for almost an hour! Finally, he told me why, he misses his teacher and shortly after, he was back to his normal self.
On Friday, Nina has implemented NEW FOOD FRIDAY! So, we tried pico de gallo and medium salsa with tortilla chips. It was a definite yes for the pico and chips, while the salsa was a no as it was too spicy for us (but, it may end up in stuff we cook with).
On Saturday, I took Nina’s old box spring apart (it has been broken for a while), and put together a new one! She kept hesitating to get a new one, and I kept telling her to do it now as we have bulk pickup this month. As I was doing this, Riley cat was going bonkers and I had to close the bedroom door to keep him out. Niko helped me with a few pieces as we used a rubber mallet to hammer them into place. When I put the mattress back on, Niko was the first one to test it and guess what, it didn’t fall apart! Niko actually hung out on the bed with cat for most of the afternoon.
After the bed saga, I took a nap as Niko was hiding out on the bed with Riley, and Nina was making a cake as it’s 11/2 today which means, Niko is 8 1/2! Exactly one hour later, Niko came storming into my room and asked for my phone. He wanted to track an Amazon package that I ordered last night for him. It’s not anything special, just a Bluetooth Mouse for his iPad as he keeps taking mine.
Niko was clueless with the cake and was surprised when it came out with a candle on it. His comments, unlike Paul and Prue from the Great British Bakeoff, were I love it!