Niko was off all week, and goes back to school tomorrow.
Nina was off Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I was off Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Last Saturday, Niko and I went to our neighborhood market at the clubhouse, and we shared a cheeseburger, a sausage wrap, and brownies. Afterwards, he played in the playground and he really enjoyed himself. I had fun as well, as the temperature was not hot, and seeing him smile and slide down all the slides made me happy. Later in the day, I asked him if he wanted to kick the soccer ball in the backyard, and he said yes, let’s do it. We only kicked the ball a few times, because he was complaining a little bit about the grass being a little bit high. I then asked him if we wanted to help me mow, and he said yes, let’s do it. Once I showed him how to do it, he took over and mowed the entire backyard. He was treating it like a video game where he had to chop the grass. I was trying to show him how to mow in lines, but he didn’t care. He was having a grand time zigzagging across the backyard. We then proceeded to the front where he mowed until the battery died. I was like no biggie, let’s charge it overnight and finish tomorrow morning.
The following morning it was sprinkling, so Niko did a little bit in the front and I did a hurried quick mow. Later in the day, I took Nina’s car to get a state inspection, picked up our groceries, and got noodles and rice for Niko and I. I don’t even ask Nina if she wants anything as she doesn’t like that Chinese restaurant. So, she got an empty take home box with no chopsticks with empty packets of soy sauce.
On Tuesday, Niko wasn’t feeling well. He did take medicine, but it was a huge ordeal on his end to accomplish it. I could probably write a book on Niko medicine, as he claims he doesn’t like the taste of any of the ones we have and we have tried everything! I am always telling him, when Nina or I are sick, we take meds and they aren’t supposed to taste good. I was planning on taking him somewhere out in the world and having fun with him, but we stayed home. Oh well. I think the highlight of that day was when my brother came over for a few minutes so he could get acquainted with the cat, as he will be taking care of Riley for a few days while we go out of town that following weekend.
Well, on Wednesday, he was feeling a little bit better, but I made the dad choice to cancel our trip. I was a bit disappointed, as I was looking forward to getting away for a few days, but the health of Niko proceeds everything. It was going to be a trip to Galveston (the beach and the cruise port). We were going to meet my parents there as they were booked on a cruise. We did look at cruises, but they were a bit pricey for us.
On Thursday, it was a persistent cough and we kept telling throughout the day to drink water and take his nose spray. And, we also always tell him sleep helps!
On Friday, I went to Walgreens for berry flavored cough medicine and berry flavored Motrin (which we know he will take, but that is only good for aches and fever). I got two cough medicines for him. I did get him to take a tiny sip, but he claimed it was the worst thing he has ever had. After 30 minutes of screaming, I gave up. Nina gave up as well after about 15 minutes.
Earlier in the week, he requested a trip to Urban Air (you know, one of those old jumpy trampoline places). He was actually doing better on Friday, so I said let us see how you are feeling on Saturday, and maybe we can go. I was worried (or concerned is a better term) that after running and jumping for a few minutes, he would have a coughing attack.
Well, on Saturday, I got tickets for Urban Air…and, he only lasted 30 minutes as he had some coughing fits and he was also ready to be done. I was planning on taking him to Trader Joes, but he wanted to go home. But, he did have another request and that was Freddys for burgers, fries, and a shake! Yeah, I got something and I know what Nina likes. When we arrived home, I told him we can do Urban Air again in a few weeks when you are feeling much better.
This morning, I have to stop by FedEx as I am trading it in as I purchased a new one which should be here in a few days, I have to pick up our groceries again, and I may or may not pick up noodles and rice for Niko and I.