I pay bills. I have a mortgage. I have retirement accounts.
I make sure our bank accounts are balanced so we know how much money we don’t have.
I call people to fix things.
I have an electric lawnmower and edger and enjoy making my lawn look and smell good.
I cook, I clean, and I do laundry.
I own a car and make sure it gets oiled, gassed, inspected, and registered.
I eat food that sometimes doesn’t agree with me, but I keep eating because it’s delicious.
Sometimes, I eat like a 5-year-old.
I have prescription eyeglasses.
I take prescription medications.
I have a fulltime job and have been with the same employer for 15 years.
I have a wife.
I have a child.
I read books on my Kindle.
I use Google and Wikipedia to research stuff that I want to know more about.
If I can get past step 1, I can usually build something from IKEA.