For the past several weeks, those three words; I DON’T KNOW, has been the answer to most of the questions posed to him. It’s actually funny, because he says it in a funny tone! Sometimes, I answer him in those three words and both of us laugh.
Talk about laughing, I absolutely love it when he gets the giggles and asks me to do something again; DO IT AGAIN! Unless it can hurt me, I will happily oblige.
A few days ago and after I got out of work, we wrestled on our giant bean bag and he was laughing uncontrollably. A few times, I had to tell him to be gentle with me. He is so strong for a 5 year old and he can really hurt me.
Another night, we were wrestling in his bed; basically, he throws pillows and blankets on me, and again, he was laughing uncontrollably. Mainly, because I was making interesting fake hurting sounds. Niko also makes interesting sounds and his most recent is a very low pitch fart noise. I wonder who taught him that one?
Several weeks ago, we took a pool noodle in the bathtub and we both had no clue how much fun it could be; let’s just say, that water went everywhere, we both laughed, and now every time we bathe, the pool noodle comes in also.
Sometimes, we just look at each other and start laughing.