I have been listening to podcasts for several years; mostly comedy where the host or hosts interview somebody, a few music ones, and some sport ones, during my drive to and from work. That drive time averages about 2 and a half hours each day, so I can listen to quite a few throughout the week.
When I am at work, I jam to my music and often times, I am stomping my feet to the rhythm and singing out loud very softly so I don’t bother anybody. I can only listen to music podcasts at work. If it’s people talking, I like to listen and concentrate, but music, I can let play and don’t have to really pay attention.
But, since I started working from home last April, I have listened to probably less than 15 episodes of the 23 podcasts I am subscribed to and just since March of this year, I started to listening to my music. My music is actually SiriusXM and I am really enjoying it. I play it very softly, because I don’t want to bother Nina and Niko. But, I still stomp my feet and sing out loud louder than normally. I think Nina and Niko like hearing me sing offkey and making up my own words. Niko likes the 90’s on 9 and when we play it, it brings back a lot memories for Nina and I.
When I do return to the office, I am looking forward to getting back in the podcast and my music groove for myself.
Well, I will be back in the office for one week in July and one week in August; the rest of the that time, I will be working from home. Then, at the end of August, I will be back in the office fulltime.
I am going to miss being able to work from home. I enjoyed my morning commute of going downstairs, I enjoyed having lunch with Nina and Niko, and I enjoyed being, seeing, and talking with Nina and Niko throughout the days.