In March and before this pandemic shut down everything, Niko was really enjoying swimming at our neighborhood pool; it has a big kids area. Yes, he even wore a bathing suit and a long sleeve rash guard. When he is not pooling, and we go out, his outfit is long sleeve pants and a long sleeve shirt; hey, I try to get him in shorts and a t-shirt, but his screaming and crying is too much to handle for me so I give in. In the winter, this is fine, but summer…um, no! And, also since around March, as soon as he wakes up in the morning, he is naked all day. I heard that is a 4 year old thing!
Our pool reopened a few weeks ago and Niko and I went last Sunday, July 5th and Nina and Niko went Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I took him this morning. It’s good exercise for us and I let him lead me and I follow him very closely. And, I know it tires him out! We did have to get him a new bathing suit and a new rash guard which is short sleeve and both are Spiderman! One of the hardest things to do before we leave for the pool is putting suntan lotion on him. This morning, it took me 30 minutes to calm him down; he was crying so loud, but eventually, he allowed mom to put some on him and then mom and Niko put some on me. Even though he really enjoys the pool he sometimes says no he doesn’t want to go; well, to counter that, we say we will stay for 5 minutes and then can leave. That 5 minutes lasts a lot longer once he is in the pool.
It’s nice to get out and yes, we wear a mask, but not when we are swimming.