Niko knows how to control Alexa; Alexa notifications, Alexa time, Alex play so and so song, and Alexa stop! So, when I play music throughout the day, Niko can stop and suggest a new made up song. I have had to unplug her in the evenings because he gets distracted by her by asking her questions and requesting songs. He did ask for one for his bedroom and Nina and I looked at each other and in unison said no!
The other day, he had his iPad in the bathroom while he was sitting down and I heard him having a conversation. When he got out, he showed me that he can use his voice to ask YouTube kids to search for videos! Yes, I allow him to have his iPad in the bathroom because he is 4 and I am a cool agreeable dad! No, he asks for it and he also has a small box of toys to play with. Plus, sometimes, he uses Face Time to call me while he is in the bathroom.
Oh, he has also recently started mirroring our language, so it’s a really good thing I don’t use bad words anymore and when that does happen, I make sure Niko is not anywhere close to me.
Just as I am writing this, he is using Siri on his iPad to search for videos.
It’s really cute watching him talk and interact with Alexa and Siri, he is also polite to them.