I know what you’re thinking…Fathers Day was so last week! Well, correct and I don’t care if I am a week late!
For my 3rd Fathers Day, we celebrated on Saturday because I knew if we did something on Sunday, we would have to wait to eat. I don’t know why eating is always part of my celebrations; probably since my family has always eaten out to celebrate. I am not complaining as I like food and my family.
Saturday, we met my parents and my brother for Chinese food as soon as the restaurant opened. I have to admit and tell you after lunch, I was so full; but not quite full for a small piece of chocolate cake at my parents house. Yes, after lunch and since my parents house was less than 5 minutes away, we made a pit stop; basically, I wanted to get Niko tired so he would sleep in the car on the drive home. He did nap for about an hour on the long drive home.
Sunday, I was planning on sleeping in an extra hour or so in the morning; man, I haven’t done that since before baby boy was born. But, that didn’t happen and I wasn’t bummed out or disappointed as I really wanted to get my son and bring him downstairs so we could eat, play, and watch movies; Shrek 3, Shrek 4, and Despicable Me. Nina offered to make Niko and I breakfast, which I really appreciated, but I was intent on doing it like I do every Saturday and Sunday. We shared scrambled eggs with salmon. It was yummy in our tummies. Hey, I did get to nap when he napped and naps for me are always pleasant.
So, how did Niko fare? Well, we shared a breakfast sandwich from Starbucks on the drive to the restaurant. Nina laughed at us as only we can get food before we get food! At the restaurant, he had noodles, mango chicken, brown rice, fried rice, seafood rangoon, egg drop soup, and a fortune cookie; Nina and I shared our plates with him. At my parents house, he opened and closed all the doors, petted a dog, sat on the dog very briefly, had chocolate cake with me, and ran around outside with my dad and brother; my mother had surgery on her toe and needed to keep her foot elevated and on ice. We had no potty accidents.
Oh, this is a bit off topic but it does relate to potty training. On Tuesday, I was giving Niko a bath and he farted; a second later he told me had to poo and I got him out of the bath and put him on the big potty. Almost immediately, he did a poop in the big potty; that was his 1st time and his reward was mini M&M’s! I was so proud of what he did and was thankful he didn’t do it in the bathtub.