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- Moana doesn’t actually sing very much.
- Niko likes it best when Moana sings.
- Moana is so earnest I want to gag.
- He won’t let me sing along.
- He doesn’t like my favorite song. Perhaps he’s distressed Mama identifies more with the crab than the heroine.
- Every time I hear the “You’re Welcome” song I think about the deep feelings Emily Writes has for Dwayne The Rock Johnson.
- I wonder how much it’s going to blow his mind when I give him his Moana doll in two weeks for his birthday.
- I wonder how long it will take for the batteries in the Moana doll to wear out.
- It must be nice to wear a tube top that magically stays in place even when swimming and pulling on ropes and almost being eaten by a gigantic crab.
- Pua always reminds me of the Humahumanukunukuapua’a, which took me two weeks to learn to say.
- I should have spent that time at the beach instead, but I needed the credit. Maybe I could’ve worked on swimming in a tube top.
- Like Moana, I also wanted off that island.
- I wonder if the Moana doll will end up being Niko’s first official lovey and I’ll have to buy three more so I can have them in reserve for when he inevitably throws this one out the car window/in the Grand Canyon/behind the sofa and I don’t feel like bending over.
- Niko can scream really loud. I’ll probably end up bending over.