On Saturday, we took Niko out twice. The first was in the morning as instead of taking him for a walk in our neighborhood, we took him to the Canyon Lake Dam to walk and we also took him to the water and got his feet wet. The temperature was perfect and it was a pleasant change of scenery. Niko got to see other people, dogs, bike riders, and even his grandma; she lives a mile from us and just happened to be at the dam at the same time.
We tired Niko out because when we got home, it was time for nap 1 and he napped for almost 2 1/2 hours!
Both of us think that he is slowly starting to get rid of nap 2 and when that happens; which may be very soon, we will have to change some routines. So, I put him down for nap 2 at 4pm and he squirmed and cried, but eventually he fell asleep for a few minutes. I don’t know how long, because I was trying to nap in our bedroom. I got about 30 minutes. At 5pm, I looked at the baby monitor and he was sitting up. That means, it’s time to get him. On Sunday and today, he didn’t take a 2nd nap! Yes, I will definitely write about this new change for us and Niko; going to take a few weeks to get it perfect.
Nina was finishing her work when a rejuvenated dad and relaxed son came downstairs. Nina has been looking at smartwatches and I was looking at monopods and tripods online. We were going to go to Best Buy on Sunday, but we decided to go out for 2nd time on Saturday at 5:30pm. I also knew we would have to eat and there are several places near Best Buy.
Even though Niko looked tired, he was so happy to get in the car and do something fun. I let him run around Best Buy and if I could’ve added up everything he touched, it would’ve easily been over $1,000. Thank goodness nothing was fragile! After Best Buy, we had dinner at Panera Bread; I am not a big fan of sandwich places, but Panera was actually OK. I really enjoy feeding Niko and it’s nice that he can eat what we eat; he got some of my soup and deli meat from my sandwich and some deli meat from Nina’s sandwich.
It was weird being out in the early evening with my family, but at the same, it was very fun. I think we may try taking him out again next weekend, but probably a bit earlier. The weather is starting to get cooler.